Fanboy Slaughter

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I seriously doubt an FF7 remake withing the next year or two, give it three at least.

5921d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, total douchebag fanboy zone here. The textures in MGS4 terrible? What the hell are you using to look at them, an electron microscope?

Anytime anyone starts bringing up textures...I just wanna start hurting someone. I think it's also a little ludicrous to believe that you sit there with your face 1 foot from the screen, only to come on here and b!tch about textures.

You suck.

5921d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

everyone having a headset on Live is certainly not a good thing.

5921d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

I just found the DVD set for the SatAM (the good one) version at Wal-Mart for like $15 bucks.

I remember waking myself up at 6 am on Saturday mornings to watch it when I was like, 10 years old. I'd love to see a third season, but I also feel kinda silly, considering I am now 25 and when I gasped at the DVD I found, my wife kinda rolled her eyes at me.

Nevertheless, I'd watch a third season, and thankfully he wants to revive the good Sonic, not that God-Awful one...

5922d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have Xenogears and Ehrgeiz on PS1 disc still.

Xenogears ran me about $50 bucks and Ehrgeiz ran me about $30, so you can only imagine my rage if they're released for $6 a pop.

5923d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bruce is just mad because Sony got a good report from Greenpeace thanks to their manufacturing processes and his beloved Nintendo got horrible marks as did Microsoft (but not as badly).

Bruce should change his name to Bruceonflames.

5926d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

then I guess Lars Ulrich is gonna get his gold-plated shark tank after all if it passes. (yes I'm just tyring to be funny)

Granted, I'm not all about stealing music either, I think it's wrong, and I kinda credit some of my newer tastes in music to people who willingly throw their music out there for people to download. There's a lot of hidden talent that only gets recognized because it's online.

But seriously, barring internet access altogether? Little harsh.

5926d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

While the video was kinda corny, it got it's point across.

That's a really sh!tty thing to do to our European friends. Not only do they get stiffed by the gaming industry on a regular basis, but now their government wants to ban their Internet Access altogether?!

Wow, hope it fails. I can see riots happening if this measure passes.

5926d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if you click the MikeMGOblue in the link the name on the profile says Mike Zoran

5927d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

To the Random can you disagree with a fact? This isn't opinion here buddy, it's stated fact. But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.

5927d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

well, you may not want to generalize that, YOU'RE not an idiot, but a LOT of people are.

5927d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

I knew they were bullsh!t from the get-go.

Trying to claim that the ps3 has a max output of 275 million polygons, when it's specs specifically state 333 million polys (and THAT's under heavy load) and RSX at optimal can spray out 800 million polys, where the Xenos tops out at 500 mil.

Read my other comment on the old article, it states it about the best I could this late at night.

Trophies would've been better off waiting for the PS4.

In the codes you speak of, stealing got your hand chopped off. I would be all for that, and yes, killing a robber may be a little overkill, but you also have to think that how many innocent people have gotten killed because they didn't act first, and of course, the robber didn't mean to kill anyone, they got spooked and fired, or they panicked and beat the resident to death.

Just so you know where I'm coming from, I have no sympathy for criminals of any degree. My grandmother...

5927d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Teen?! yeah, fatalities or not, I'm not buying it.

5927d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And I thought Master Queef was a pea soup can with a gun, until I heard him talk, then I was convinced that he was just a diarrhea-colored moron with a gun.

5927d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know they're a play on the boss names. But they're just stupid names. And yes, that monkey, despite seeing him steal snake's last smoke, is STUPID!!! His presence is neccessary in maybe 2 of those cutscenes, other than that, his presence just made me cringe at how ridiculous it was and how much it killed the mood of the scene.

I'm not gonna apologize for it. And it's a fact that Anime would be so much cooler if it wasn't for the absolute stupidity of what they think is co...

5927d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, THAT guy was messed up because they weren't robbing HIM, they were robbing his neighbor, and he got busted for killing those two guys because he circumvented that law.

The Castle Law itself wasn't responsible for that guy's actions, he was just a nutcase.

5927d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

At least Hayter himself can call out some of the more ridiculous moments of the MGS series.

Love on the Battlefield, Big Mama, and the most ridiculous boss names I have ever heard (other tham MGS3's), and THAT STUPID MONKEY!!!!!

I'm sorry, I love MGS to death, I really do, but the Japanese have a really stupid habit of completely killing the seriousness of any situation. Anime would be 100% awesome to me if it wasn't for their astronomically stupid sense of comi...

5927d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment